Reuse & Repurpose

We encourage you to reuse / repurpose and recycle your candle glassware. There are so many ways you can reuse

  • a drinking glass
  • a container for makeup or tooth brushes
  • a pen pot
  • a plant pot for cuttings or seedlings
  • for holding herbs in the kitchen

How to clean your vessel for reuse ...

In order to protect our precious waterways and marine life, wax and anything containing fragrance oils, should not be put down the drain/sink

A simple and safe way to clean out your candle glass, is to hold a hairdryer (on a low/medium heat setting) over the candle glass until any wax on the bottom and sides of the glass has melted (soy wax has a low melt point, so you only need a low setting), then wipe the jar out with a paper towel.  Once the wax has all been absorbed into the paper towel and the glass is clean of any residue, you can then rinse further with hot soapy water

Share your reuse ideas!

We would love to hear your ideas for reuse of the candle vessel. Share with us on social media or email us so that we can share your ideas with others!